
An Exclusive Marvel Games Development Deal Was Almost Microsoft’s

An Exclusive Marvel Games Development Deal Was Almost Microsoft’s

The series that Sony has cashed in on big time is Spiderman. The IP has sold more than twenty million copies since it launched in 2018. Now it has Spiderman 2 and a Wolverine game to come. Sony seems ...

Spiderman Trailer - picture of spiderman

Sony Drop A New Spiderman Trailer For Marvels Avenger’s

Sony just dropped a new Spiderman trailer ahead of the web slinger’s arrival in Marvell’s Avengers as a PlayStation exclusive. We’ve all known that Peter Parker’s other name was due to swi...

Spiderman Miles Morales Isn’t Expected To Be A Sequel

It looks like the latest Spiderman title, Spiderman: Miles Morales won’t be the sequel that many of us expected. After the recent announcement of Spiderman: Miles Morales at the PlayStation 5 Stream, ...

Facts Matter

I fundamentally believe that when making purchasing decisions, we must make them with as much factual data at hand. I won’t sit here and claim that I alone know all the facts. That’s just simply not t...

Marvel’s Spider-Man Review – Insomniac Games’ Masterpiece

In an instant, all that you have hoped to protect and all that you have held dear could be stripped away by a decision you failed to make. Living a roughshod life of complex uncertainties is something...

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