Star Wars is the most well-known science fiction franchise, with several successful movies. However, many of its video games have been less well-received. Star Wars: Outlaws is the most recent game to...
Star Wars: Outlaws, the new action game from the authors of The Division, is very similar to other Ubisoft games – big, sometimes beautiful, but monotonous and perhaps just a bit unfinished. Rel...
Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment have released the final PC system specs for Star Wars Outlaws mere days ahead of its launch on August 30th. In addition, developers revealed a slew of PC-specific fea...
Ubisoft is gradually ramping up hype for the imminent release of Star Wars Outlaws on August 30th. Earlier this week, the team posted a new blog that peeks into the game’s future by revealing it...
During this week’s Ubisoft Forward event, Massive Entertainment released an all-new gameplay trailer for Star Wars Outlaws. It’s an amazing peek at a cinematic game that looks as much like...