The developers from Mundfish have shared a new trailer dedicated to the upcoming first-person shooter adventure game Atomic Heart, taking place in an alternate universe during the high noon of the Sov...
TripWire Interactive has announced that their survival horror game Killing Floor: Incursion will be releasing on PlaystationVR today (May 1st). The developer takes the genre to new depths of madness w...
Starbreeze Studios has released a short behind-the-scenes video look at creating the Aiden cinematic trailer. This video developer diary takes a backstage look at creating the trailer, developer comme...
The developers of Survival Horror title The Forest have shared their plans on moving the game from Early Access stage into release version via Steam blog update. From the update: There are a bunch of ...
Black Forest Games has just released information on the first of four major updates coming to their survival sim Fade to Silence. After processing feedback provided by early access participants, Black...
Dead Dozen is a Multiplayer Action Horror title announced back in November. The events of the game take place in an abandoned Soviet research base deep in Siberia where a group of 12 people is stuck. ...
Capcom has released a features trailer for the Switch version of Resident Evil: Revelations and Resident Evil: Revelations 2 which are coming out for the Nintendo gaming system on November 28. The Swi...