The Expanse: A Telltale Series Episode 4 is available on PC and Console right now, continuing the tale of Camina Drummer. Players eager to follow Camina Drummer into hostilities in the belt can now do...
The Expanse: A Telltale Series is out now, accelerating fast into the Hunting Grounds. Gamers who got ready to be true beltalowda back in July can now rejoin Camina Drummer and crew in the second epis...
The Expanse: A Telltale Series heads to The Belt when Chapter 1 launches on 27 July 2023. Telltale has announced that sci-fi series the Expanse, is heading back to The Belt. On 27 July, the narrative ...
Join Drummer in ten minutes of new footage from The Expanse: A Telltale Series Telltale, the team behind some of the most successful narrative titles of the last decade has just dropped a new sizeable...
Last night’s The Game Awards 2021 was a star-studded event that gave us a look back at the year that was and at some of the finest games and game makers of the year. In addition, developers and ...