tiny build

Broken Roads Video Introduces the Surveyor Archetype

Broken Roads Video Introduces the Surveyor Archetype

Drop Bear Bytes released a new Broken Roads trailer introducing the Surveyor character archetype ahead of the game’s April 10th launch. The video looks at the origin story of the Surveyor, one o...

Waking invites you to explore childhood memories

Waking is a forthcoming game by indie developer Jason Oda. Considered an action-adventure, the game takes players on a journey through their own memories while the protagonist lies in a coma. To escap...

You Should Be Playing Community Inc from TinyBuild

Partnering up with Tiny Build, T4interactive launched Community Inc on Steam last week. This game, just by looking at its name is everything you’d expect as you manage a community on your own pl...

Tiny Build’s Mr. Shifty is hitting Switch this month

Get ready for a rush of Indie Goodness, people. Tiny Build’s Mr. Shifty is hitting the Switch at the same time as Steam next week on April 13th. Made by ex-Fruit Ninja devs, it became an instant...

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