top 10 list

7 Video Game Remakes And Remasters You Don't Want To Miss

7 Video Game Remakes And Remasters You Don’t Want To Miss

Considered the best of the Diablo franchise, Diablo 2 took us out of the dungeons below Tristram and let us loose in what was considered a huge open-world when D2 first released back in June of 2000. ...

Top 10 VR Games To Play In 2020

While the rest of 2020 has been swirling down the crapper VR games are finally finding their stride. At the top end of VR headsets, you have the Valve Index, with the HTC Cosmos Elite coming in as a s...

The 10 Best PlayStation 4 Exclusives

The 10 Best PlayStation 4 Exclusives

We still don’t have all the facts about the upcoming console launches but one thing we do know is the PlayStation 5 is going to have a bunch of exclusive titles. Maybe even enough to sway a long...

10 Best Games Of 2020 So Far

It’s hard to believe we are only halfway through the rough and tumble year that is 2020. With the pandemic pushing the release dates of some of the most anticipated games of 2020 back it’s...

10 Best Alien Invasion Games To Play Right Now

Last week we celebrated the launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon launch by exploring some of the best space games on tap right now. This week we are going to take a look at a less than optimal outcome of ...

10 Best Space Games To Play Right Now

2020 has been a rough year but we recently had a bright spot with the launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon on May 30. The first manned space mission from US soil since the last Space Shuttle mission in 20...

10 Alternatives To Gaming During Quarantine

Are you bored yet? A couple of weeks of COVID quarantine sounded like a great way to catch up on some of your gaming backlogs, at least until stay at home orders became a reality and businesses starte...

Best Basketball Video Games Of All Time

The March Madness brackets are set and today marks the first round of the NCAA Tournament. Or at least it would have been if it wasn’t cancelled like every other sporting event for the foreseeab...

10 Cheap Stocking Stuffers For PC Gamers

Last week we explored some of the hottest games for this holiday season. Now Christmas is almost upon us and hopefully, you have most of your shopping done, but if you’re like me there is always...

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