The gears of war are greased or grind to a halt through the machinations of politics and intrigue. Total War Thrones of Britannia has released a detailed preview of the political workings behind the b...
Guthfrid, Viking king of Northumbria, was sold as a child into slavery by his parents. Saint Cuthbert appeared to his followers and commanded them to find the boy Guthfrid. The holy order paid the pri...
Fans of the series are in for a treat with a new DLC headed to Total War: Rome II on March 8th! For a 5-year-old game, any time we see the release of new DLC, it is always welcomed arms wide open! Th...
The year is 878 AD and an uneasy peace has settled across the British Isles thanks to Alfred the Great’s defeat of the Vikings. Thrones of Britannia sets you in that tumultuous time period, taking con...
YES. This is all I needed to see. The Skaven are unleashed as Total War: Warhammer 2’s latest race. Check out the cinematic unveiling, and more info below. From the press release: Bursting forth...
Say hello to the Dark Elves in Total War: Warhammer II’s latest in-engine cinematic trailer. Good lordy do they look on point. Doing Games Workshop fans proud, they are. Check out the footage, a...
As Keanu once said… “whoa.” SEGA and Creative Assembly pulled the curtain back a little bit on Total War: Warhammer 2, the upcoming follow-up to last year’s immensely successfu...
Just launched today, the second episode of Total War: ARENA’s Second Dev Diary to get an in-depth look at 10-vs-10 battles and how they have been refined to create a unique online multiplayer experien...
Due out on February 28th (the 27th for Total War Access members), SEGA and Creative Assembly announce today that Total War: WARHAMMER’s Bretonnia DLC is coming out for free. There’s a whol...