Ultimate Games

Deadliest Catch: The Game Sets Sail for Consoles

Deadliest Catch: The Game Sets Sail for Consoles

Ultimate Games has announced that Deadliest Catch: The Game has set sail for Xbox and Nintendo Switch. The Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch versions of the game have joined the already-r...

Otherworldly Banner

Otherworldly Nintendo Switch Quick Hit Review

It seemed like an exciting premise. Ultimate Games‘ Otherworldly for the Nintendo Switch looked to be a hybrid between a horror survival game and a dungeon crawler, all in a first-person perspec...

Fishing Adventure Banner

Fishing Adventure Quick Hit Review

Growing up I was around the sport of “fishing” some. My grandmother owned a Summer cabin in Wisconsin, USA and it was walking distance from a freshwater lake. I took part in some dockside ...

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