
Undying Adds Kingdom Mode, an Entirely New Way to Play

Undying Adds Kingdom Mode, an Entirely New Way to Play

Vanimals and Skystone Games have announced that Undying has been updated to bring Kingdom Mode online, an entirely new way to play the game. Previous to this update, players had to worry about the pro...


Updated Undying PC Launch Review

Undying is an RPG, adventure, and action game developed by Vanimals for multiple platforms, including PC. In this emotional survival game, you play as Anling, whose task is to save Cody’s son du...

9 Amazing
Undying Shambles Out of Early Access Starting October 17th

Undying to Shamble Out of Early Access Starting October 17th

Vanimals and Skystone Games have announced that their indie adventure game, Undying, will shamble out of Steam early access on October 17th. Players can purchase a copy of the game for $19.99 and play...


Undying Update Gives Players Lots Reasons to Play for the Holidays

Skystone Games and Vanimals are giving players tons of reasons to play Undying over the upcoming holiday weekend. The free update to the zombie survival game brings players new content to explore, new...


Undying Adds New Game Modes in Latest Update

Vanimals and Skystone Games have announced that a massive new update has been deployed to Undying. The patch has been released for both the Steam and the Epic Games Store editions and brings players a...

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