Ys Origin

Ys Origin Switch Banner

Ys Origin Switch Review

If you’re a seasoned gamer like myself, you might be familiar with the Ys (pronounced “Eess”, like saying a plural “E”) series of games. My exposure to the series has mos...

8.9 Great
ys origin collector's edition unboxing pack shot

Look Inside This Ys Origin Collector’s Edition Unboxing

Ys Origin might have landed on the Nintendo Switch but we got an early look inside the Ys Origin Collector’s Edition this week as we unboxed this special set. If Ys Origin holds a special place in you...

Ys Origin Will Land on Switch in 2020

Dotemu has announced that Ys Origin will be coming to Nintendo Switch in 2020. Players will be able to purchase either a digital or physical edition of the game when pre-orders open up later today. Th...

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