PlayStation Youtube channel has been updated with a new video from Horizon: Zero Dawn team. Guerrilla Principal Quest Designer Tim Stobo and Quest Designer Blake Rebouche show off a quest from the upc...
Vpro Documentary has put out a 47 minute long look at the making of Horizon: Zero Dawn, one of this year’s most acclaimed games so far. The role playing game Horizon Zero Dawn created by the Dut...
Horizon Zero Dawn is, at its core, an Action RPG, with some pretty deep story choices, character progression mechanics, and of course, loads of loot. In the last major trailer before the game’s ...
Earlier in the week Sony has hinted around at Horizon Zero Dawn becoming the company’s new franchise. Those news did not come alone. Today the company has released a new trailer as well as revea...
Horizon: Zero Dawn is getting closer and closer to its launch date of February 28th (Happy Birthday to Bill!), and that means the hype engine is in full effect with gorgeous new trailers. Today’...