
My Talking Hank Islands - hank plays in the water

My Talking Hank Islands Is A Fun Filled Island Getaway

My Talking Hank Islands launched today across iOS and Android, taking the My Talking Tom series on something of a vacation from its roots. Take one-part virtual pet sim and add a little tropical seaso...

8 Great
Talking Tom Time Rush Is A Daring Dash Off A Well Worn Path - gang in front of the time portal

Talking Tom Time Rush Is A Daring Dash Off A Well Worn Path

Talking Tom Time Rush is out now, taking this beloved cat and friends off on a new adventure, but it’s unlike anything you might expect. After more than a decade on the app charts and over 10 billion ...

8 Great
mythic legends

Mythic Legends Review – A Mighty Amalgamation of Arena Encounters, Deck Building, And Auto Chess

Outfit7’s newest title launched globally on iOS and Android barely a week ago and this intriguing mix of RPG mechanics and auto chess arena battlers is aiming to keep the competition short and sharp. ...

8 Great
behind the frame review

Behind The Frame: The Finest Scenery Review

Behind The Frame: The Finest Scenery is just the latest painfully gorgeous new piece from Akupara Games, but this new handcrafted adventure hides more than just a pretty nifty picture in our review. O...

7.5 Good
Blade & Soul Revolution Review

Blade & Soul Revolution Review

A Fully Fledged Mobile MMORPG Blade & Soul Revolution is out now on iOS and Android devices, bringing NCSoft’s own high flying martial arts MMORPG onto the small screen. After launching earlier in...

7 Good
Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins

Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins Review

Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins escaped up onto iOS, Android, and PC last week. Feeling adventurous, we picked up this new found phone game that might have you staring at your mobile for dear life. F...

7 Good
Gordon Ramsay's Chef Blast Review

Gordon Ramsay’s Chef Blast Android Review

There is no question that Gordon Ramsay is one of the most well-known chefs in the world. He’s pretty much everywhere from television to books to memes to social media and beyond. He’s eve...

8 Great
a3 still alive review

A3: Still Alive Review In Progress

A3: Still Alive the newest mobile MMO to come out of Netmarble launched last week. As it’s available now on iOS and Android, we grabbed our armour and jumped into kill ten demons in our A3: Still Aliv...

Eve Echoes Review – A Sandbox That Fits In Your Pocket

If you had told me ten years ago that we would someday be playing a version of Eve Online on our phones I would have looked up from my game of Bejeweled and laughed at you. Well, it turns out I am a f...

8.5 Great

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