Wii U

Retro City Rampage

Retro City Rampage delivers open world crime genre in the '80s. Players can expect over 60 story mode missions and a galore of criminal activities such as stealing cars and blasting opponents with a s...

8.5 Great


Minecraft is an open world Sandbox video game with elements of Survival developed by Mojang and published by Microsoft for a variety of platforms such as PC, Xbox, Playstation, Switch and much more. ...

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is a remake of 1994's 2D fighting game Shaq Fu and is a modern take on the classic beat 'em up gameplay. The developers describe it as "Streets of Rage meets Devil May Cry mee...

LEGO City Undercover

LEGO City Undercover

In LEGO City Undercover players get to take on a role of Chase McCain, a police officer going undercover to catch criminal known as Rex Fury. The game offers two-player co-op, open world consisting...

7.5 Good

Just Dance 2017

Just Dance 2017 is the latest in the popular cross-platform series from Ubisoft. Players are challenged to mimic on-screen dancers as they move to a chosen song. Just Dance 2017 features different ...

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