
How to Excel at eSports

How to Excel at eSports

Esports, also known as electronic sports, has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years. With a vast number of players and viewers across the world, esports has transformed into a fiercely com...

How to Excel at the Newest Diablo Game

How to Excel at the Newest Diablo Game

Are you a fan of the Diablo franchise? Have you been eagerly awaiting the launch of the newest game in this much-loved series? If so, then you’re probably wondering how to excel at playing it. That’s ...

Horizon Zero Dawn Liberation Cover Banner

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation Graphic Novel Review

The Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation graphic novel represents the second, four-issue volume of the ongoing Horizon Zero Dawn comic series which are based on the famous video game by Guerrilla Games. The ...

Covers Banner

The Datacronicles: Star Wars: The Age Of Resistance Book Review

Titan Comics is known for publishing comics that cover a lot of genres. Specifically, and not limited to, gaming, fantasy, and classic humor. They also have a “sister site”, for lack of a ...

the medium and observer: system redux

The Medium and Observer: System Redux Share A Connection

Team Bloober has released a new insight into upcoming horror adventure The Medium, and some information that suggests a possible connection between The Medium and Observer: System Redux. Dropped on th...

Blade Runner 2029 Issue 1 Collage

Blade Runner 2029 Comic Review – Issue #1

Arriving at comic stores and on digital devices today is a new comic book series by Titan Comics. This series continues and is set, in the Blade Runner universe. Entitled Blade Runner 2029 and written...

High Score Review – More Than Just Console Warfare

In 2018, it was reported that the Video Game Industry had eclipsed the earnings of the Music and Film Industries combined. In High Score, this tantalizing tidbit was reiterated, but the focus of High ...

The Datacronicles: May The 4th Be With You!

In this quarantining, stay-at-home orders world we’re currently living in we’re learning to miss some things we might have taken for granted. Case in point, as I sit here on the 4th of May...

Celebrities Playing Animal Crossing New Horizons!

Have you been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons?! Arguably the perfect game for this world-wide pandemic we are all experiencing, “ACNH” is keeping folks sane including a few familiar f...

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