Since its debut in 1977, Star Wars has not only revolutionized the film industry but also left an indelible mark on the world of video games. The rich and expansive universe created by George Lucas ha...
During the annual Ubisoft Forward presentation, the developers were on hand to share two new gameplay trailers for the upcoming open-world action-adventure Star Wars: Outlaws. The game arrives on Augu...
Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster has a release date and you can dodge blaster fire on 28 February 2024. You might have defeated the Empire once, but it always ends up coming back. LucasArts’ sci-fi tin...
Prime Gaming, the loot laden program for Amazon Prime Subscribers, is giving away Summertime Madness, The Force Unleashed 2, and plenty of Diablo IV loot for the summer. Prime Gaming usually brings pl...
Hello there and may the Force be with you! To celebrate the Star Wars day, Disney+ released the Star Wars: Visions Volume 2, featuring nine new shorts from nine celebrated animation studios from acros...
4 may will bring a famous band of mechanical sidekicks to the arena with Star Wars x Rocket League. Forget Tesla’s self-driving shenanigans. BB-8, R2D2, and other chrome cased compatriots will get beh...
The Game Awards 2022 livestream is now over, bringing a variety of great announcements to gamers around the globe. From new DLCs to PC ports to release dates of hot projects, TGA had it all. Check out...
It seems that thanks to a Steam slip up, we now know the release date for Jedi Survivor The upcoming sequel to Star Wars: Fallen Order was likely to get a full reveal and release date at the upcoming ...
It’s official. Star Wars Celebration has kicked off and we already have big news for the franchise. We have even already seen some news from non-wars fandoms as well. All weekend we will be getting pa...