Author: Chris Bowman

Long time game enthusiast and writer. I have beta tested a lot of Mmorpg's since I was thirteen including Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Wars The Old Republic. Currently attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for a degree in Game Art and Technology.

Dead Space PC Review

Dead Space Remake for PC Review

Every once in a while there is a horror shooter that makes a mark on you. In this case, it is a science fiction horror shooter in the form of Dead Space. Originally released in 2008, this remake by Mo...

9 Amazing

The Callisto Protocol PC Review

While I am not a big horror game player, there are some sci-fi horror games that I do play. One of those games is Dead Space. Striking Distance Studios, with a leadership team consisting of members fr...

8 Great
Rogue Legacy PC Review

Rogue Legacy 2 Review

There are types of games that really make you judge why you play them. Then there is this new roguelite platformer from Cellar Door Games, and it is a sequel to the acclaimed Rogue Legacy. That’s righ...

8 Great

Gotham Knights PC Review

Batman games have come a long way since the days of the Sega Genesis. Now we have come into a new day where Batman isn’t even a main character. WB Games Montreal and QLOC are bring the Bat-Family into...

8 Great

Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed Review

With the success of Ghostbusters: Afterlife in the cinema and on release, the Ghostbusters franchise has made a huge resurgence of late. With a new movie sequel coming out, and all of the other news g...

9 Amazing

A New Journey In the Stars Begins October 27

Star Ocean is a series of JRPGs that has spanned several generations of consoles and now there is a new title being added to the list. Star Ocean: The Divine Force will make its way to consoles old an...

Ubisoft Closing Game Servers In September

The title leaves nothing to the imagination, but Ubisoft has made the decision to shut down servers for some of people’s favorite titles. The list is not a short list either, and it is said that it is...


Epic Games Store Free Games June 30

This week we have another new selection of video games from Epic Games for you to partake of. These new games show up each week on Thursday. Sometimes they are winners and sometimes they are loses but...

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