Coming from Nomada Studio, the developers of GRIS, Neva is a tale of a young woman and her bond with a curious wolf cub. This emotionally-charged adventure will see the two embark on a perilous journe...
On October 13, 2008 (yes, it was that long ago), 2D BOY studio presented their new game: World of Goo, an exceptional puzzle that took its rightful place in the hearts and in memories of the community...
The Operator is an ingenious mystery that melds X Files inspiration with complex puzzles, and it’s out now. If you’re coming down off the end of Evo, missing the Tennocon floor, or done capturing a ca...
Make some space in your drawers, A Little to the Left: Extra Tidy Edition is coming to Nintendo Switch in October Max Inferno and publisher Secret Mode, the team behind Deathsprint 66, have confirmed ...
Ditch the pen-and-paper adventures and prepare to try out a cozy new challenge. Paper Trail is available now across PC, via Steam, and folds together a delightful coming-of-age fairy tale with some or...
Developer Wishfully shared a new trailer for cinematic puzzle adventure Planet of Lana, revealing the date of the game’s arrival on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. Mark your calendars: Planet o...
Paper Trail brings a charming paper puzzler to PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and mobile on 21 May 2024. A sublime puzzle adventure is set to come to appear across almost every conceivable platform on ...
Mull over Piczle Cross, on PC and Nintendo Switch later this month. Prepare to take on some of the cutest brain teasers around as Story of Seasons launches a new spin off on 27th February 2024. Japan ...
Terra Nil is coming to Nintendo Switch next week. Players looking to clean up their gamin backlog might have to wait a little longer if developer Free Lives has anything to do with it. The team behind...