Epic Games Store – Grab Gods Will Fall For Free For a Limited Time

Epic Games Store - Grab Gods Will Fall For Free For a Limited Time

Between now and January 13th, players can claim and keep action-adventure Gods Will Fall on Epic Games Store.

Developed by Clever Beans and published by Deep Silver, Gods Will Fall invites players to experience the brutal trials of a venturous band of warriors in their desperate plight to sever the gods’ callous grip on humanity. Every man and woman who can muster a blade, having suffered the brutality of the gods’ reign for too long, will be called upon to form your clan of 8 Celtic survivors and rise up to take on the legions of horrific beasts and minions that dwell in each of the gods’ hellish realms.
A personal tale emerges with every decision made. Succeed and see legends born. Fail, and watch lives turn to dust.

Savor the calming sights as you explore the stunning and lush terrain of the Overworld. But beyond each ancient doorway, lies a god’s realm. Brimming with foul creatures, stalking a world built from human suffering. Each path you tread and each door you open will be different from the last, ensuring a brand new tale unfolds every time.

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