Genshin Impact – Check Out Collected Miscellany Trailer for Chevreuse

Genshin Impact continues to introduce players to the latest character to join the roster. After participating in the Fontaine Fontinalia Film Festival, Captain Chevreuse stands ready to arrive with the latest banner in Version 4.3 Phase 2.

Having attained such “notoriety,” the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol owes much to its captain Chevreuse. Seen in this light, perhaps she deserves an extra bonus for disseminating knowledge of the law.

Chevreuse is a 4-star Pyro Polearm. She is a support character who can provide various buffs in an Overloaded team composition (Pyro + Electro). When all party members are Pyro and Electro characters and there is at least one Pyro and one Electro character each, after a character triggers the Overloaded reaction, the Pyro and Electro Res of the opponent(s) affected by the reaction will be decreased, and an Overcharged Ball will be generated.

For a short duration after Chevreuse fires a shot using her Elemental Skill, she will continuously restore HP to the active character on the field. If an Overcharged Ball is fired, party members’ Attack will be increased. Chevreuse’s Elemental Burst deals AoE Pyro damage and splits into many secondary explosive shells that will burst after a short interval. This explosion will deal further Pyro damage.

  • When: January 9 to January 30
  • 5-stars: Raiden Shogun (Electro Polearm) & Yoimiya (Pyro Bow)
  • 4-stars: Chevreuse (Pyro), Bennett (Pyro), Kujou Sara (Electro).

When it comes to weapons, Inazuma continues to shine eternal with plenty of great options. Raiden’s and Yoimiya’s respective signature 5-star weapons Engulfing Lighting (Polearm) and Thundering Pulse (Bow) are on the banner. Additionally, players can get their hands on Wavebreaker’s Fin (Polearm) as well as Favonius Sword (Sword), Rainslasher (Claymore), Eye of Perception (Catalyst), and Rust (Bow).

Genshin Impact – Version 4.3 Phase 2 Events Include:

  • Dance of Resolute Will (January 10 to January 22). A new challenge stage will unlock every day, with each containing 2 combat rounds. Challenge them and win to acquire Primogems, Hero’s Wit, and more.
  • Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp )January 17 to January 29). Take on your opponents and achieve the corresponding criteria to obtain Primogems, Weapon Enhancement Materials, and more.
  • Marvelous Merchandise (January 22 to January 29). Liben is back, and so are almost free Primogems he offers during this even.
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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