Samurai Maiden – Check Out Hagane & Komimi Character Trailers

Samurai Maiden - Check Out Hagane & Komimi Character Trailers

Developer SHADE Inc. and publisher D3PUBLISHER have introduced players to two more Kunoichi characters from the upcoming fast-paced action Samurai Maiden. Check out the trailers below to learn more about Hagane and Komimi.

Not only can her right arm extend and contract at will, but it can also emit a high-voltage current. Supportive and nurturing to the women around her, Hagane heaps affection on them while paying no mind to their blushing. Meanwhile, Komimi is a master of onmyoji magic and wields a colossal hammer with ease, encasing it in an icy air that sends shivers down her enemies’ spines. Anyone wishing to brush Komimi’s tail must obtain her express permission first.

Previously the team introduced Iyo, another nimble Kunoichi that will be accompanying our protagonist. Iyo is a ninja that serves Nobunaga. Fully equipped with shinobi tools, she is adept with gunpowder, bombs, and flaming kunai. Iyo has a great respect and love for Tsumugi and would give her life in a heartbeat to help her out.

In Samurai Maiden, a young woman from the 21st century finds herself stuck in the Sengoku period. Thankfully, she has sharp swordsmanship skills that allow her to take control of the situation. Together with a trio of newfound ninja friends, she races through the Underworld beneath Honnō-ji, confronted by enraged corpses at every turn. Nothing can stop this all-female powerhouse team, as the samurai slashes up enemies while the ninja wipe them out with their fierce ninjutsu.

Check out the game’s Steam page to learn more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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