
Battlerite Seasons

Battlerite Releases a New Paladin Champion

If you have been playing Battlerite lately you most likely already know that they recently released a Shadowblade Assassin named Jamila during their first PvP Season. Now Stunlock Studios has released...


Battlerite – Alysia The Ice Weaver Champion Preview

Stunlock Studios published a preview video dedicated to a new Champion to join the roster of the brawler Battlerite. Meet Alysia the Ice Weaver who can’t wait to help you chill.  Her abilities c...

Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Mania In Battlerite

Stunlock has shared info about the latest event to hit Battlerite: Prehistoric Mania. Oldur has been messing with time, and as a result, chests containing ancient artifacts and mighty dinosaur mounts ...

Battlerite – Destiny “The Sky Ranger” Joins The Roster

A new champion is joining the roster of Battlerite today, on November 22nd as a part of Patch 1.1.0. Meet Destiny, “The Sky Ranger”! From the character’s description: An elite sky ra...


Battlerite – Dragon Garden Map Preview

Battlerite – BattleRekt & Dragon Garden Map Preview Battlerite is a Team Arena Brawler concentrated on action-packed PvP component. The developers announced the return of BattleRekt Tourname...

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