Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have shared a new animated video, the latest in the Stories from the Outlands series. Titled Survive, it is dedicated to the new legend Vantage. Raised on the barren ice planet of Págos, Vantage learned the hard way to become the ultimate survivor.
“The only rule Mara’s mother ever gave her was to survive. In the ruins of the G.D.S. Vantage, that’s a hard rule to follow.”
Vantage will be arriving on the game along with the new Season 14: Hunted, kicking off on August 9. Players will also receive reforged Kings Canyon, Level Cap increase, new Battle Pass. Check out the official site to learn more!
About Apex Legends:
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Choose from a lineup of outlaws, soldiers, misfits, and misanthropes, each with their own set of skills. The Apex Games welcome all comers – survive long enough and call you a Legend.
Play for free now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.