Genshin Impact – Check Out Chiori Story Teaser ‘Tapestry of Night’

Developer HoYoverse shared the latest animated story teaser for anime action-adventure Genshin Impact. It is dedicated to the ending of Chiori’s personal story quest. If you haven’t played it yet, beware of spoilers! Otherwise dive right in to see what Chioriya brand actually means for this Inazuman seamstress.

“When they talk about tonight, they will remember the resplendent costumes under the spotlight and the thunderous applause and acclamations. When she talks about tonight, she will remember the waves weaving together like a flowing tapestry and the ever-brighter glow of the moon in the sky.”

Genshin Impact is currently going through Version 4.5 Phase I. Players can spend their hard-earned primogems on a banner of Geo goodness:

Genshin Impact – Version 4.5 Phase 1 Banners:

  • When: March 13 – April 2nd
  • 5-stars: Chiori & Arataki Itto
  • 4-stars: Gorou, Yun Jin, Dori

The weapon banner features the respective signature weapons: Uraku Misugiri (Sword) & Redhorn Stonethresher (Claymore). The featured 4-stars include: The Alley Flash (Sword) and Alley Hunter (Bow), The Bell (Claymore), Dragon’s Bane (Polearm), and Favonius Codex (Catalyst).

Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Phase 1 – In-Game Events Include:

  • Flagship Event Alchemical Ascension (March 14 – April 1). During the event, cultivate ingredients, concoct potions and sell them to gain revenue from your business. Awards event-exclusive 4-star Polearm Dialogues of the Desert Sages and its exclusive Refinement Materials, Primogems, Crown of Insight and, other rewards.
  • The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (March 22 – April 3). Jami as once again encountered trouble. As such, he has adopted more efficient enhancement measures and is waiting for the right person to help verify his work.
  • Chiori’s Story Quest Cisoria Chapter. Requires AR40 or above and completion of Archon Quest “Masquerade of the Guilty”.
  • Lynette Hangout Event. Requires AR40 or above and completion of Archon Quest “Masquerade of the Guilty” as well as Furina’s Story Quest.
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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