Mind The Guillotine In This New Eville Trailer

Eville, the social deduction game is about to take the whodunnit to the dark ages and we got a new glimpse of the carnage today.

Developer VestGames dropped a brand new trailer today, giving potential citizens of Eville’s quaint old school establishments and village halls a look at the death and destruction they can wreak upon this social deduction title. Thanks to a bunch of online streaming types, the latest 2 minutes and 49 seconds of sheer disaster show how mischievous ne’er do wells can skulk the cobbled streets taking down fellow gamers with some of the following gruesome ends:

  • Skewered Souls: What happens when folks don’t keep an eye out for spike traps? They end up as human-kebabs, that’s what.
  • The Poison Colada: Toxins during the day keep the sleepless nights at bay — because ingesting poison kills you, duh.
  • Purification by Fire: Team building with a tinge of old testament righteousness! Who needs a fair trial during town meetings with the option to vote guilty and witness flames strip the accused’s flesh from their bones?
  • Axe a Question: She’s beauty, she’s grace, she just took an axe to the face! A tried and true classic.

Set in a once-tranquil medieval village, Eville features several character roles, each with its own unique abilities, purchasable items, and toolkit upgrades. Stepping into the shoes of either an ill-fated villager or wicked conspirator, players must work through a delightfully comprehensive yet intuitive system of murder, deception, betrayal, teamwork, and eventually, crowd-sourced public executions. Who ends up with their head in a guillotine, is anybody’s guess, however. What we do know is that after watching the latest trailer for Eville, this clearly takes the lead from Among Us and adds some of the same chaotic energy that made us love First Class Trouble so much. If you fancy your chances against the dark arts then head over to the Eville Steam Store page to check out more, before it hits Early Access in 2021.

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