New Destiny 2 Trailer Showcases Epic Gear Coming in Lightfall

Destiny 2 Lightfall

Bungie developers have released an epic trailer from the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion, Lightfall. The video offers Guardians a peek at some weapons and armor they can earn in the Lightfall expansion. In addition, viewers will be shown new “Strand verbs” like tangles that are bundles of quantum strands left over when enemies unravel. Tangles are then used with Strand to weave objects and creatures or tied to weapons. Sound confusing? The trailer simplifies the explanation and offers a visual tutorial.

Here are details of the new weapons and armor shown in the trailer:

  • Final Warning – This Strand Sidearm tracking rounds that seek out nearby enemies.
  • Deterministic Chaos – A Void Machine Gun that rhythmically weakens enemies as it fires.
  • Winterbite – A Stasis Exotic Glaive that freezes enemies on impact with frost orbs, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attack.
  • Cyrtarachne’s Façade – This Exotic helmet gives extra protection as Hunters gain armor and flinch resistance when they grapple.
  • Abeyant Leap – When Titans use their Barricade with this Exotic leg armor, it spawns seeking projectiles that suspend enemies and gives armor to its wielder.
  • Swarmers – This new Exotic leg armor allows Warlocks to create a Threadling to infest and attack enemies after destroying a tangle.

Viewers will also get a look at the Quicksilver Storm catalyst upgrade. This makes the Exotic Auto Rifle’s grenade kills create Strand tangles that can be tossed at enemies. Guardians who preorder Lightfall will receive the Quicksilver Storm immediately.

Lightfall is anticipated to launch on February 28, 2023.

Check out the Destiny 2 official site for more information.

About Destiny 2 Lightfall

In a Neptunian city under siege, find strength in your fellow Guardians as the end to all things approaches—the Witness is here. Arm yourself with new rewards and unlock new Dark powers to triumph in Lightfall’s unforgettable Legendary mode.

Travel to Neptune and discover a neon metropolis unlike any you’ve explored in Destiny 2. Meet the Cloud Striders, join the fight against the Shadow Legion, and prevent devastation in the technologically advanced secret city of Neomuna.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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