WoW Dragonflight: Finding Your Way to the Dragon Isles

WoW Dragonflight Finding Your Way to the Dragon Isles

Developer Blizzard Entertainment shared a new blog post for MMORPG World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. While the game is going through the pre-expansion patch, the path to the ancient home of the dragonflights, the Dragon Isles, will open on November 28. The team put together some helpful information to prepare players for the journey ahead.

The blog post is meant for new and returning players that are trying to get their bearings in the onslaught of info left by the new expansion. It goes through account recovery, getting help in-game, outlining the new talent system and updated UI/HUD.

The article also reminds players that with Dragonflight also made sure that any race can play as Mage, Rogue or Priest class. In addition to these updated race and class combinations, with the release of the second phase of the Dragonflight pre-patch on November 15, a new race and class combination, the dracthyr Evoker —a new hero class— will also become available for players with the Dragonflight expansion to create and play.

Additionally, Blizzard shared the overview of Dragonflight Twitch drops and 12-month subscription mounts. Don’t miss out on a chance to snatch a free Feldrake!

Last but not least, Blizzard also shared Chapter Two of the Legacies animated shorts. It is dedicated to the Aspect of the Black Dragonflight, Neltharion, better known as Deathwing. He had participated in a great number of events and had been featured as a character in several novels such as War of the Ancients Trilogy, Tides of Darkness, Beyond the Dark Portal and more. Finally, the great black dragon’s schemes were put to an end in Cataclysm where Deathwing fell from his own creation.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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