World of Warcraft Unveiled 12-Month Subscription Mounts

Developer Blizzard Entertainment shared a new blog post to unveil what upgrading to 12-month subscription will grant players. In addition with everything in the current 6-month subscription offer, the 12-month sub will net you 3 new mounts. Additionally, you’ll also receive all the rewards from the next Lunar New Year 6-Month Subscription.

So what exactly is in 12-month sub? Here we go:

  • Telix the Stormhorn Mount: Once a simple beetle of the Forbidden Reach, Telix became infused with storm magic when Raszageth was unleashed. With its newly heightened senses, Telix roams the Dragon Isles alongside the Dragonscale Expedition—and you!
  • Gargantuan Grrloc Ground Mount: It’s the biggest murloc you’ve ever seen!
  • Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm Mount: Few mana wyrms find sufficiently stable sources of arcane power to reach such a size. A greatywrm’s appetite for mana is unmatched.

Meanwhile, Wrath of the Lich King Classic players would receive the following for buying the appropriate sub:

  • Festering Emerald Drake Mount
  • Tabard of the Flame: An epic Tabard of Flame will turn every outfit into a fierce fashion statement!

The Lunar New Year Bundle has not been revealed yet. Stay tuned to learn more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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