WoW: Dragonflight – Check Out Forsaken & Night Elf Heritage Armors

WoW Dragonflight - Check Out Forsaken & Night Elf Heritage Armors

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site of MMORPG World of Warcraft: Dragonflight with a new update. The latest blog post is dedicated to a couple of new Heritage armor sets coming to the game, and the next two races in line are the Forsaken and the Night Elves.

Players will also have new skin colors for their Forsaken characters, and Night Elf characters will have new facial markings and body tattoos to choose from. Note that the quest chains will become available with the release of Fury Incarnate on September 5.

Forsaken Heritage Armor and New Skin Customizations Requirements:

  • Reach level 50 or above.
  • Complete the “Return to Lordaeron” questline.
  • Accept the quest “Unliving Summons” from Lilian Voss in the Ruins of Lordaeron.
  • On completion, you’ll receive the Forsaken Champion’s Attire (ensemble). It includes two chest pieces, cloak, waist, feet, wrist, head, hands, legs, shoulder, and a new tabard. Players will also receive an updated Undercity tabard design.
  • With the release of the update, undead characters also have an additional five new skin colors to choose from.

Night Elf Heritage Armor and New Facial Markings and Tattoos Requirements:

  • Reach level 50 or above.
  • To begin the questline, navigate your way to the Stormwind Embassy and click on the scroll on the table to start “The Clarion’s Call.”
  • Finishing the questline grants the Kaldorei Protector’s Adornment (ensemble). This set includes Feet, chest, waist, head, shoulder, hand, legs, and wrist pieces. Players will also receive a new title.
  • Night Elves will also receive new facial markings and body tattoos.

About WoW: Dragonflight – Fury Incarnate

Patch 10.1.7: Fury Incarnate, will be launching on September 5. In Fury Incarnate, players can join forces in new public events—Dreamsurges, earn Forsaken and Night Elf Heritage Armor, band together to run Heroic difficulty for the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon, follow Velen’s prophecy to reveal a new future for some of the draenei people—and more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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