Torchlight Infinite Closed Beta Is Available Now

Torchlight Infinite, the latest in an iconic dungeon crawling series, has kicked off a closed beta test of this awsome looking new adventure.

Grab your gear of bash some bosses and get looting! Torchlight Infinite has opened its doors to player to come and try out this upcoming title in closed beta testing. The official closed beta test is already ongoing and available to try on PC via the official website or Steam, and on Android via TapTap and Google Play. Players looking to try out what the heck a Time Space Witness is, or build some bots to take into battle, can experience the early stages of Torchlight Infinite and the huge diversity of progression systems from now until 7pm September 18 PST (3am BST September 19 2022).

For anybody who has already had the chance to drop in early, or been checking out our Torchlight Infinite previews, then you will find plenty of new content for the closed test too. In the three new story levels, eager warriors will notice new geographical features and monster populations, with the end of the final chapter challenging players with gigantic new bosses.

There’s also an expanded story, with XD dropping a teaser covering the origins of Emma, one of the game’s powerful player characters. You can check that out on above, keep it Gamespace for more on how your wallet will hold up to this new free to play title today, or head over to the official website for more on Torchlight Infinite now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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