Apex Legends Brings About Titanfall 2 Resurgence

Many fans of Titanfall 2 were worried that the release of free-to-play Battle Royale Apex Legends, set in the same universe, might deal a blow to the already dwindling online of the game. However, according to ResetEra, reality couldn’t be more opposite.

… a large amount of players are playing the game right now and the playerbase is witnessing more than a 100% increase across multiple platforms.

According to the post, that’s how the statistics were looking:

  • PC – the usual online of 800 – 1500 players had reached 3500
  • PS4 had seen 5000 players instead of the average of 2000
  • Xbox One had scored 10000 players! The recent online has been around 2000 to 3000 people.

While Titanfall 3 is not being developed at the moment, Respawn is working on a mysterious new Titanfall title that will be released later in 2019.

Twitter user ApexUpdate – News & Leaks had also found mentions of solo and duo mode in Apex Legends’ code.  Previously, Respawn mentioned that they did not include solo mode due to the game being built around squad interactions and certain classes, like the Medic, losing their effectiveness. The revive mechanic would also need to be reworked.

It is also entirely possible that mentions of the modes have remained in the code from testing or development of the project.

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