Bloodlines 2 Clan Reveal – Malkavian

Paradox Interactive has revealed the fifth and final full-blood Vampire clan in the upcoming action RPG Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2: the Malkavian also known the as Clan of the Moon.

Bloodlines 2 will have 5 playable full-blood clans at launch, with more are to be added post-launch free of charge.

Malkavians have been traditionally ostracized by the Seattle Kindred. While a few managed to claim territory in less desirable districts, very few have ever managed to rise to the levels of the other clans. Because of this, there is a persistent bias against the Malkavian clan that still exists into modern nights.

Malkavians invade the minds of their victims, using Dementation to impart an imperfect version of their psychoses on them. Auspex allows Malkavians to slip deeper into their condition, expanding their senses beyond the boundaries of their bodies.


  • Haunt – Imparts an unseen spectre in the minds of victims. Unable to control themselves, they’ll try to flee in a panic.

  • Berserk – Fills the vampire’s targets with an uncontrollable rage, causing them to lash out at anything nearby – even the air itself, if no better target is available.

Use of Dementation, while thoroughly unsettling, is not a Masquerade Violation.


  • Aura Sense – Allows the vampire to spot NPCs through walls, read crowds at a glance, and mark individuals, staying aware of them even over long distances. It also reveals the weaknesses of a marked NPC.

  • Psychic Projection – Forces the vampire’s mind from their body, allowing it to explore the area in astral form and use Aura Sight to mark any character they spot. The vampire’s senses have developed to such an extent that they may end up telepathically overwhelming the senses of others for a short while.

Use of Auspex is not a Masquerade Violation.

Like the first Bloodlines, playing as a Malkavian will change the way the city reacts to your presence and reveal unique dialogue options not available to other clans.

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