Console Alert – Latest South Park Game Free Trial Arrives

If you’ve been dying to try South Park: The Fractured But Whole, this will be cheery news. Ubisoft has announced that consoles including PlayStation 4 and XBox One can try it out for a whole hour, all free.

Console trial

You are allowed to sample the game without any restrictions including all progress saved if you buy the game. During the trial, you’ll be offered a chance to purchase the full game. You can download the client via the PS Store or the XBox Marketplace.

If you’re wondering if you’ll like the game, you may wish to check out our review.

I’m a firm believer that humor is subjective and I’d be willing to admit that you could have different tastes and find this game to be way more hilarious than I did. But I also thing that I’ve been a fan of South Park for a long, long time and played the crap out of Stick of Truth, so it’s not like I didn’t want this game to be good. So maybe you play it and you laugh and I’m totally cool with that. But for me, this feels like an unfinished symphony that could’ve used a few more punch ups before performance.


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