Corepunk Early Access Is Coming in December 2023

Corepunk Early Access - key art from splash screen

Players looking for a new MMOARPG will only have to wait until December for Corepunk Early Access.

Developer Artificial Core has confirmed a roadmap to Early Access, with the expectation that Corepunk will begin Early Access in December 2023. In a news post on the official website, the team behind this upcoming MMOARPG has set a timeframe for Early Access. Players can now mark their calendars and prepare to jump in very soon.

Testing Ahead

This news also confirms that at least a few players eager to get a hands-on will be able to plug in and play very soon. In the news post on, the development team published a set of dates that will unlock the fog of war for a limited number of testers. On 30 September 2023 a closed community testing phase will kick off, giving a small subset of community members a firsthand look. Only 21 people from the community will jump in, and they will be under a visual NDA. Don’t expect much to leak out.

A First Look

A second test run was also confirmed, coming in at the end of October. This time players will be able to record, take screen shots, and capture audio. We don’t have a definitive number of players that will be able to drop into this round, and we have no idea if Press will be able to drop in to give you our thoughts. What we do know is that this is likely when we should expect more information on how the game handles.

Corepunk was first revealed around 8 years ago, announcing a massive fantasy world that mixes top down MMOARPG action with a huge seamless adventure. The sci-fi setting comes clouded in a fog of war that opens up as players explore, meaning danger can be around any corner as you head out into experience the world. With plenty of hype and an intriguing looking idea, this MMO has been on the radar for a while now. It’ll be great to see how it plays. Keep an eye out here or on the official website for more on Corepunk Early Access.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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