Hyper Scape – Season 3 Cinematic Trailer

The developers from Ubisoft have shared a new cinematic trailer for Battle Royale Hyper Scape, dedicated to Season 3 coming to the game on March 11. In Season 3, speed is a matter of survival. Are you quick enough to endure Hyper Scape’s fastest map yet? Are you agile enough to exploit Neo Arcadia’s newest hack?

Strange anomalies continue to plague Neo-Arcadia. Contenders are arrested for seemingly no reason while Basilisk gets closer to discovering the truth and the power hidden in the massive template that now dominates the city’s skyline.

Once the season launches, players will find the Neo Arcadia 2.0 revamped map, including more diversified terrain, identifiable zones, and new landmarks.

Additionally, Hyper Scape Season 3 includes a new 2D hub flow so players can view their full squad (along with selected outfits) and use the Locker and Shop while matchmaking. There will also be three always-on game modes in Season 3: Crown Rush Squad (60 players, ranked), Crown Rush Solo (60 players, unranked), and Team Deathmatch (6v6, unranked).

Both a free and premium 100-tier Battle Pass will be available. The Premium Battle Pass instantly unlocks the Ace Shrine Fox outfit, weapon charm, and legendary Dragonfly weapon skin. It also features two legendary outfits, eight additional outfits, 33 weapon skins, 13 melee weapons, eight deployment pods, and more. The Premium Battle pass is available for 950 Bitcrowns, which can be earned either in-game or by purchasing via Ubisoft or first-party stores. Of course, Hyper Scape viewers on Twitch can also earn progress on their Battle Pass by having the Crowncast extension enabled.

Hyper Scape is an urban futuristic free-to-play Battle Royale by Ubisoft where 100 Contenders engage in FPS close-quarters and fast-paced matches to become the next global superstar. It is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Check out the official site to find out more.

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