League of Legends Revealed New Champion: Briar, the Restrained Hunger

The developers of MOBA League of Legends have revealed the latest champion to join the roster of the game. Meet Briar, the Restrained Hunger. She will enter Runeterra in Patch 13.18.

A failed experiment by the Black Rose, Briar’s uncontrollable bloodlust required a special pillory to focus her frenzied mind. After years of confinement, this living weapon broke free from her restraints and unleashed herself into the world. Now she’s controlled by no one—following only her hunger for knowledge and blood—and relishes the opportunities to let loose, even if reining back the frenzy isn’t easy.

When it comes to her missions, Briar not only killed her targets, but anyone who stood in her path. For the calculated and discrete Black Rose, she proved to be more of a liability than an asset. When Briar found herself in a prison and in the pillory, she was able to start enjoying the mental clarity that restraint brought with it. And as she started to learn, she realized that there is so much more yet to be discovered.

Overall, Briar was a balancing act to create. The team wanted to build Briar around a loss of control, but they still needed to preserve a sense of autonomy. They knew she should be a champion with flaws, but not a victim; naive, but not childish; a woman, but not sexualized; enthusiastic about life, but not annoying. Briar has all the confidence of a fresh college graduate with the same penchant for awkward humor. Plus, she can shred you to pieces. And she’s beginning to discover her power and place in Runeterra.

League of Legends – Briar Abilities Include:

  • Passive – Crimson Curse. Briar’s attacks and abilities apply a stacking bleed that heals her for a portion of the damage dealt. Perpetually hungry, she gains increased healing based on her missing health but lacks innate health regeneration. She will also heal for any remaining bleed damage when a bleeding enemy dies.
  • Q – Head Rush. Briar leaps to a unit dealing damage as well as stunning them and breaking their armor. She will stop prioritizing enemy Champions if she casts this ability on a minion or monster during the effects of Blood Frenzy.
  • W – Blood Frenzy/Snack Attack. She leaps forward and shatters her pillory, entering a Blood Frenzy that causes her to relentlessly pursue the nearest enemy (prioritizing champions). While frenzied she gains increased Attack Speed and Move Speed and her attacks deal damage in an area around her target. Briar can reactivate this ability while frenzied to take a CHOMP out of her target on the next attack, dealing additional damage based on their missing health and healing her based on the damage dealt.
  • E – Chilling Scream. Briar refocuses her mind, removing Blood Frenzy and channeling energy into a powerful scream that damages and slows enemies. While charging she takes reduced damage and heals for a portion of her max health. A fully charged scream knocks back, dealing additional damage and stunning enemies that hit a wall.
  • R – Certain Death. She kicks a hemolith, marking the first champion hit as her prey. She then belines straight to them, fearing other surrounding enemies on arrival, and enters a state of complete hematomania. She will pursue her prey until one of them dies, gaining the effects of Blood Frenzy as well as additional Armor, Magic Resist, Lifesteal, and Move Speed.
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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