UPDATE: Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are NOT Coming to Switch…

We just don't know when yet...


As of about an hour ago, Kotaku’s Jason Scheier got an update from Big N. The Switch release posting was not intentional, and Ultra Sun and Moon are exclusive to the 3DS. We can go back to being sad, now.


It’s not quite official, but as a sharp Twitter user pointed out, the Official Pokemon Company press site has a listing for Ultra Sun and Moon to be released on the Nintendo Switch. The release dates are just “TBA”.

And right after the tweet, the Switch mention was taken down. So was it a mistake, to even post a Switch release timeframe? Or was it merely “too early” and something they wanted to save for E3’s Nintendo Treehouse?

Yep, we certainly think Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are coming to the Switch. Are you prepared?

1 Comment

  1. Was disappointing.. I’m ready for Pokemon to come to the TV.

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