Showtime Live-Action Halo Series is Still in Development

It’s been well over four years since Microsoft announced that Steven Spielberg was working on a live-action Halo TV series for Showtime.In fact, we’re pushing five years since the Speilberg-produced series was first announced at E3 2013.

Fans have been concerned that the lack of information about the program has been completely missing over the years. However, a new interview at TV Guide with Showtime’s Gary Levine should set some minds at ease.

Levine told TV Guide that the series is “absolutely still in development, still moving forward and I’m encouraged by what we’ve seen so far. It’s still live action and it will definitely satisfy the fans of Halo and I think also satisfy the drama audiences of Showtime.”

Levine did not have a time frame for when the show might debut, nor did he have anything to say about how it fits into the game series’ timeline.

Some folks are speculating that the series may debut in time for a new game. What do you think?

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