Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – Patch 1.0.97 Is Live

New patch is upon us, Sister Argenta is pleased!
Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader - Patch 1.0.79 Is Live

Developer Owlcat Games released the latest update to turn-based cRPG Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. Patch 1.0.97 tackles certain late-game problems and restores the companions’ missing Convictions. Check out the official Steam page for the full list of patch notes or take a look at the list below for the biggest changes.

“Lord Captain! The scrap code resists, yet our tech brothers’ faith is stronger! With the help of the Holy Machine God, we present you with Patch 1.0.97! Check https://steamcommunity.com/app/2186680/discussions/0/4027970580228219058/ for up-to-date information on known issues and upcoming patches.”

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – Patch 1.0.97 Includes:

  • Fixed the issue that could prevent the player character from starting Act V if they allied with the certain faction;
  • Some companions lost their convictions in new games – fixed;
  • Another part of missing names was added to the Credits and Shrine of Remembrance;
  • Some companions lost their convictions in new games – fixed;
  • Added cargo sorting in the vendor interface;
  • Death World’s Survival Instinct feature now correctly applies its 20% armor and Dodge bonus, while you have temporary wounds. Note: as the bonus is situational, the 20% armor will stay invisible on the character screen, but will be correctly applied to the attacks;
  • It is no longer possible to take items from the cargo while being in Commorragh;
  • An explanatory conversation was held with the allies, now they will stop shooting you in the back with burst attacks;
  • Laughing God’s Pendant had technical id’s in the description instead of the formulas – fixed;
  • The Halo Device could not be unequipped even if the player didn’t want to wear it or it was taken by the Inquisition;
  • Fixed a rare bug that could prevent the player character from receiving an objective to land on Dargonus. Such players will be given the quest when they load after installing the patch or the next time they visit the Mundus Valancius system;
  • A number of abilities, talents and perks have been fixed.

Update: the game also received Hotfix 1.0.98. It includes:


  • Resolved problems with adding items to inventory in Act 3;
  • Fixed a rare bug with the Halo Device dialogue window appeared after leveling up;

Sound and Music

  • Added sounds for moving packs of items in the loot window;
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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