World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Take to the Skies With Launch Gameplay Trailer

With the release date of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight drawing closer, developer Blizzard Entertainment shared the launch gameplay trailer of the expansion, letting players sneak a peek at what’s to come on November 28.

“Dragons have returned to Azeroth, but as the land begins to heal a new threat rises. The time has come to take to the skies in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, available November 28 at 3:00 p.m. PST.”

The first phase of the pre-patch rolled out the new systems such as the updated talent trees, profession system, HUD & UI enhancements and more. Meanwhile, the second phase added the new race/class combo Dracthyr Evokers, new zone The Forbidden Reach, new dungeon Uldaman: Legacy or Tyr and in-game events called the Primal Storms.

Once the expansion launches, players will be able to reach level 70 and explore the mysterious Dragon Isles, ancestral home of the dragons of Azeroth. Surging with elemental magic and the life energies of Azeroth, the Isles are awakening once more, and it’s up to you to explore their primordial wonder and discover long-forgotten secrets.

With the launch, players will be able to head into any one of eight dungeons. Four additional dungeons will be added before the end of the expansion. The first raid will be unlocked on all difficulty levels on December 13th. Dragon Isles also feature a new form of aerial movement: Dragonriding. Explore the land and obtain four new Dragon Isles Drakes—unique, customizable mounts that can be truly made your own. With millions of possible combinations to choose from, no two Drakes are the same.

Check out the official site to learn more about the expansion.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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