World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Check Out Pre-Patch Survival Guide

With the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight pre-expansion patch out in full force, developer Blizzard Entertainment shared a new video Survival Guide to bring players up to speed on what to expect from the update. The Dragonflight pre-patch event is into 2 phases that will run until the expansion’s release on November 28, with phase one available now.

The video features a number of WoW content creators: Hazelnuttygames, Naguura and Cdew, who talk players through what awaits them in the pre-patch over the course of 5 minutes-long video. Are you ready to return to Azeroth and take your first steps on the Dragon Isles or to try out the new class/race combo the Dracthyr Evoker?

Players might also enjoy the new talent system that hearkens back to an earlier era in WoW with its skill trees as well as the updated profession system that offers players a way to “hone their craft” and the HUD and UI system updates to allow for better customization of screen space.

Here are other updates already available or coming soon to the game:

  • Mage, Priest and Rogue Classes are now available to all races, including Draenei, Orc and Tauren;
  • Updated UI and HUD that lets you set up your interface the way you see fit. You can find the details here;
  • New talent trees reminiscent of the Wrath of the Lich King ones;
  • Update notes for those who need ALL the details on changes;


  • Talent System Revamp – Players will be able to explore and set their new class talent trees, including the ability to save different loadouts tailored to their choice of gameplay
  • Heads-up Display User Interface (HUD UI) Changes – The first phase of updates for the HUD UI revamp gives players the ability to customize the base UI including location and size of action bars, player frames, and more.
  • Accessibility Features – A variety of new features that will include “press and hold” spellcasting, interact keys, gamepad support and more
  • Rated Solo Shuffle  – A new PVP mode that had previously been a brawl will become queueable as new rated mode joining 2v2, 3v3 and Rated Battlegrounds as a means to earn elite PVP rewards
  • New Class/Race Combos: – Players selecting any playable race will be able to make a rogue, priest or mage with more selections coming online as they become available in the future


  • New Race/Class: Dracthyr Evoker
  • New Zone: The Forbidden Reach
  • Play through the starting zone for WoW’s newest hero class, the Dracthyr Evoker
  • New Dungeon: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
  • In-Game Events: Primal Storms
  • Ward off attacks from the Primalists with new quests and world events leading into Dragonflight’s launch

When it comes to the expansion’s launch on November 28, there will be four new zones to explore, each themed around and revealing more about the respective Dragon Aspect.

As the Dragon Isles awaken, so too do long-forgotten secrets, and players will traverse land and sky as they explore what the Dragon Isles has to offer. Other features of the expansion include: the Dracthyr race with its own specific class: Evoker; Dragonriding that allows players to train their own drake to soar through the skies over the Dragon Isles, updated Reputation system and more.

If you want to soar through the skies in style, Blizzard also revealed discounts on draconic pets and mounts with the Dragon Pack. Those enjoying Wrath of the Lich King Classic can also add a new draconic mount to their collection on retail servers – the chance to acquire Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm will disappear with the expansion’s launch, so don’t miss out!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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