lost sphear

Lost Sphear Demo Impressions – A Nod to Nostalgia

While pursuing the Nintendo store on the switch last night I came across Tokyo RPG Factory’s latest entry Lost Sphear. For those not in the know ( its okay I wasn’t either) Lost Sphear is the sp...

Lost Sphear

Lost Sphear is the kind of classic JRPG tribute we should all love

The Tokyo RPG Factory is back at it and they’re ready to work their homage magic once again. The last time around they took a crack at the classic Chrono Trigger with their brilliant tribute, I am Set...

Lost Sphear

Lost Sphear is the next RPG from Square’s Tokyo RPG Factory

Due in early 2018, today Square Enix announced that its old-school JRPG studio Tokyo RPG Factory is going to be releasing its next title – Lost Sphear. Set in a world that’s disappearing b...

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