Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Review

When you think of classic Disney games from your childhood there are two that should pop into your mind immediately. The reason they come to the forefront of other games is because of the characters, and the difficulty of the games. It’s time to relive your childhood as we review the Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King.
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Review 1
From Publisher Disney Interactive comes the game pack that we didn’t know we wanted, Disney Classics The Lion King and Aladdin. Kids nowadays would never know the pain of playing a truly difficult game without save points. Well, now they have the opportunity to suffer like the rest of us did. It was fun suffering though. Every time you play Aladdin, or The Lion King, you know there are going to be spots in the game that were very difficult to get through as children. As adults, those spots are still just as bad. The waterfall level in The Lion King is one of the most difficult spots due to having to time your jumps and make your way up to the top. With Aladdin, there are plenty of spots that will make you cringe when you continue to get knocked out.

In Aladdin, you will take control of the street rat Aladdin himself as you travel through the streets of Agrabah on his way to the Cave of Wonders and beyond. You will also have access to his monkey sidekick Abu for some bonus levels. You will need to defeat Jafar and save Princess Jasmine. In the Lion King, you play as Simba and begin your trek through the Pride Lands hitting bugs and avoiding hyenas. You move forward in the game and age up to adult Simba who needs to take back his rightful place as King of the Pride Lands.

The games were great to play as a kid, and now as an adult, the nostalgia is real. Couple that with the fact that there are different versions of each game that you can play built into it and you have a good time brewing. One other feature that has been added to this pack is the ability to watch a walkthrough of each game to see how it plays out. I didn’t go too far into this because I wanted to play through the games as they are meant to be played through. The parts of each game that you remember being difficult are still difficult and your skills will be tested as you maneuver through the jumps and obstacles put in front of you.
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King Review 2
If you have never played these games you are in for a good time. If you have played the games before you will hopefully enjoy them as much as I have. Playing as a kid versus playing as an adult leaves you with a little bit more knowledge the second time through as opposed to playing it fresh for the first time. These are two games that people have been asking for, and now they have them and it’s about time.

Note: Our copy was reviewed on the PlayStation 4 with a code provided by PR.

Overall, the Disney Classic Games pack has added two games that people of any age will love. With the release of Disney +, you can now watch both of the movies and then play the games, all without leaving your console of choice. This pack is available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch now for the price of $29.99 USD. With the additional features, and the ability to play old games as new, this is a very fair price and it doesn’t break the bank.
  • Retro games reborn
  • Added watch mode is good for those hard parts
  • Multiple added versions of each game
  • The controls aren't as crisp as with the older console controllers
Written by
Long time game enthusiast and writer. I have beta tested a lot of Mmorpg's since I was thirteen including Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Wars The Old Republic. Currently attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for a degree in Game Art and Technology.

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