Chemtech Is Coming Back For League Of Legends Preseason 2023

League Of Legends Preseason 2023 - Chemtech Drake

League of Legends Preseason 2023 hits PBE tomorrow and Chemtech is coming back!

LoL begins an early round of testing ahead of official 2023 action tomorrow. Players ready to jump into the future of the smash hit MOBA from RIOT Games are about to find a Rift full of familiar faces. Headlining the updates for next year’s competitions, Chemtech Drake Drake will land again, providing an entirely new buff and soul. Like many monsters that await intrepid heroes, this adversary straight out of the Rift grants something of a boon on defeat. Slay Chemtech Drake and players should expect a small amount of Tenacity and Heal/shield Strength. The Chemtech Soul will also add extra damage at lower health levels, although the specific trigger number seems to still be under evaluation.

With the return of Chemtech Drake, the surrounding Rift will gain a new appearance, brimming with Zaunite chemicals and unnatural jungle plants. This change will do more than just cause the landscape to look a little different. The physical manifestation of this arrival will cause Honey Fruits to mutate into Stim Fruits, which grant a bonus shield on top of healing. The Scryer’s Bloom will also undergo a change, turning into a Stalker’s Bloom and revealing a small area around the plant and widening away from an attacker. This change might seem a little unhelpful for anybody trying to hide, so Riot is balancing things out by granting movement speed to revealed champions and reducing the wards revealed to 1 health, so at least you’ll be able to get away sharpish.

In The Jungle The Mighty Jungle…

Wildlife is not the only thing to grow and adapt in 2023. Jungle pets, available in the in-game shop will help players putting themselves out among the dangers of this untamed region. Pets provide an in game bonus on the battleground as they grow. Powered by monster kills, these companions give their owners Avatar buffs, including:

● Noxian Embercat*: This will be the pet of choice for junglers looking to play more aggressively. It will provide slows and bonus damage.
● Ixtali Ixamander*: This jungle pet is perfect for junglers looking to frontline and tank for their teams. It will provide a shield based on your health that provides bonus slow resist and Tenacity when broken.
● Ionian Cloudleaper*: This jungle pet will be great for junglers looking to rotate and move around the map more quickly. It will provide bonus movement speed.

While pets might become something of a requirement for high level players looking for an edge, much of the rest of the 2023 preseason testing, includes improvements that help newer players. Improved communication tools, recommended Jungle paths, leashing range indicators, objective voting, clearer pinging, and pages of item changes should mean that learning the mysteries of LoL won’t leave newbies feeling quite so lost.

The return of Chamtech to preseason 2023 and all the other tweaks will hit testing on 4 October and are still in flux. If you want to get a glimpse or help feedback on what works well, then head over to the League of Legends website to find out more about League of Legends Preseason 2023. if you’d rather wait until the changes go live, then that leaves tons of time to catch up with Wild Rift or the animated spin off Arcane.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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