Kick Alien Butt as USC Counterforce Drops into View

Angry Cat Studios has just announced a new XCOM inspired tactical squad shooter that will have yet another alien menace on the run, and it’s called USC Counterforce.

Prepare to go back in time to a future long before XCOM 2, where the original tactic alieninvasion ruled the galaxy and invaders feared to take on your team. You’re about to assemble a squad of the fiercest space marines and extra-terrestrial soldiers to take on and mop up the remainders of an unidentified alien threat on planetary body M-8322.

Develop Angry Cat Studios has just dropped an announcement trailer for this upcoming old school tactical adventure, that looks set to attack on PC at some point in the not so far-flung future. Players picking up this title will find themselves on an alien world where the mission hasn’t exactly gone as planned. Inserted int hostile territory, this counterforce will need to outsmart aliens in battles by taking impactful tactical decisions, triggering combos and environmental interactions of all kinds.

Commanding officers will need to build a powerful team of warriors using a class free skill system to tweak and build their group, while making the best use of the myriad of weapons on offer. This will be crucial to survival. You’ll need to drag these soldiers through a randomized campaign, customizable missions, multiple game modes, and local co-op encounters. Pressing across colony MC83-A means facing danger around every corner. The fully interactable, multi-layered destructible environment is equal parts cover for your troops and the things that go bump in the dark.

If you’re interested in signing up to see the galaxy, broaden your horizons, and scoop alien brain goop off your bots then USC Counterforce will drop a Steam demo during Tacticon. To find out more just head over to the Steam store page now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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