A Swell Free Content Update is Available Now in Cuphead 1.2

A couple of days ago, the developers from Studio MDHR have released an update for Cuphead. According to the devs, it is the biggest update ever.

According to a Reddit poster named electoon,

“There’s actually footage and screen-caps emerging of new secret boss routes. All I’ve heard so far is that the vegetable patch boss, the Dimji boss fight, and the theater lady fight (I forget her name) all have routes you can take that includes new assets and boss patterns. More content in this update than we’ve been lead to believe!”

Let’s check the official patch notes to see what the developers are not hiding from players in the update!

  • CHARACTER SELECTION! For the first time ever, select Mugman right from the start of your adventure in single player!
  • FULLY ANIMATED CINEMATICS! Now, all of the game’s cutscenes play out in fabulous locomotion!
  • FULLY LOCALIZED TEXT IN ELEVEN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES! In addition to English, we’re thrilled to be able to offer Cuphead in French, Italian, German, European Spanish, Latin Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese. We know how long folks have been waiting for this, so we took special care in the quality of each translation, and curated fonts that felt just right for each audience. In fact, we even partnered with expert calligraphers to bring the Boss & Level title lettering to life in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese – drawing inspiration from the early cartoon works of each country!
  • OODLES OF BRAND NEW ANIMATION AND ART! Cuphead and Mugman have multiple fight intros! Legendary Chalice now grants Super Arts with a blast of magical energy! Mummies explode in a shower of confetti! Dozens of other dazzling additions and adjustments throughout the game!

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