Age of Wonders 4 – New Dev Diary is Dedicated to Ancient Wonders

Age of Wonders 4 - New Dev Diary is Dedicated to Ancient Wonders

Paradox Interactive and Triumph Studios are back with a new dev diary for the upcoming 4X strategy Age of Wonders 4. This time players get an introduction into the grand structures they might run across during their conquests: the Ancient Wonders.

Hiding the promise of adventure and loot, Ancient Wonders serve as monumental landmarks that act as evolved versions of Treasure Sites from AoW3. Uncovering these structures is a dangerous ordeal that can also sour your relationships with your neighbors if the landmarks were close to their borders.

“Each Ancient Wonder is a monument from the great ages of the past, with several ties to the old Age of Wonders lore. They make the lands more coherent and mysterious as you encounter an ancient Mother Tree guarded by vengeful Entwined, a Secret Temple desecrated by evil cultists summoning a demon or a Lost Tower of ancient wizard horribly transformed by the Astral Sea.”

When you first uncover an Ancient Wonder on the World map, you already get a glimpse of what’s to come through:

  • The name, which hints at the adventure that awaits inside.
  • The tier, which indicates the difficulty but also the value of the Ancient Wonder and its rewards!
  • The background lore, indicating what the Ancient Wonder’s original purpose was and what might still lurk inside

Check out the blog post to see the entire process of exploration shared by the developers.

About Age of Wonders 4

Rule a fantasy realm of their own design, explore magical realms, partake in the signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based combat that is so uniquely Age of Wonders. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn. The game will offer a new storytelling event system and hugely customizable empires that is sure to guarantee an endlessly replayable experience.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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