Apex Legends – Cross-Play Arrives With The Aftermarket Collection Event

The developers from Respawn Entertainment have published a lengthy blog post on the official site of the Battle Royale Apex Legends to reveal that The Aftermarket Collection Event brings cross-play beta. This update brings a ton of new content including a brand new LTM called Flashpoint, tricked out event cosmetics, free rewards for playing and more. Check out the trailer for the event which kicks off on October 6, 2020.

Since the launch of Apex Legends, cross-play has been one of the most requested features from our players who want the ability to play with their friends on other platforms. During the cross-play beta, players will have full access to cross-play functionality while we collect data, test the feature at scale, and most importantly, listen to you, the fans, for feedback.

  • Players will be able to party up and play together across all currently supported platforms: PlayStation 4 , Xbox One, and Origin (Steam too once it launches!).
  • Cross-platform play is enabled by default. Unless you’ve changed it, you should be good to go! Xbox One also contains a similar setting in the system settings, outside of the game, that must be enabled. More on this setting later.
  • To add a friend on any platform, go to the friends menu and click “Find Friend”. You’ll be able to search for a user name on any platform and initiate a friend request.
  • Cross-platform parties can use in-game voice chat.
  • Cross-play does not mean cross-progression. While we do believe this is a valuable feature, it’s unfortunately not available for Apex Legends at this time. However, we will talk more about this at our Steam launch later in the year.

Cross-play Matchmaking

Before cross-play, each platform would only play with and against other users on the same platform. Now, all console players will play together, and PC players will continue to play only with other PC players.

If, however, an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 player and PC player party up together, they will be put into PC matches. This ensures that the console games don’t have PC players in them, but still allows for the console player to play with their PC friend if they opt-in.

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