Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The Forgotten Saga – Check Out the Launch Trailer

Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla received the free roguelite-inspired game mode Forgotten Saga. Ready to plunge into the depths of Niflheim and face overwhelming odds?

“Baldr, the Norse god of light and purity, is lost to Niflheim. Odin, mad with grief, refuses to accept that his son lies in the misty realm of the dead. Defying fate, the All-Father plunges into the depths of Niflheim to push through the hostile lands, but Niflheim is a realm of the dead, and the living are not welcome.”

Inspired by other roguelite experiences, Forgotten Saga will be pushing players to their limits with difficult enemies and hostile world. Death will be a frequent part of players’ adventures. With each death, you will return to the start with opportunities to upgrade Odin and grow in strength for your next attempt with further insights on how to overcome the challenges ahead.The gear has been completely re-imagined for this game mode. Upon entering Niflheim, Odin will have none of the gear they brought with them and will instead be forced to face the threats of Hel’s domain with an entirely randomized loadout.

With each run through Niflheim, you will earn currency to upgrade Odin and purchase new perks and abilities to become stronger. New tattoos, mounts, and raven skins are available in Ravensthorpe for you to buy with currency from your playtime. For those ready to face the ultimate challenge and defeat Hel’s forces and best the goddess herself, a unique gear set will be rewarded for the Wolf-Kissed to be used while traversing the regions of England.

Check out the official reveal blog to learn more about the Forgotten Saga.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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