Battlezone Gold Edition Leaps Out of VR


The 1980’s arcade installation of Battlezone had its own particularly novel approach to immersion, its very own periscope. Rebellion’s reboot of the franchise had the same exotic peripherals when it launched across a range of VR headsets. Now, those of us without the untamed wealth and living space of our VR brethren can blast our way to glory in Battlezone Gold Edition.

Out now, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, this tank trial puts players in the driving seat of the Cobra tank as they churn through a cacophony of procedurally generated levels. Each of these unique environments is its own neon-drenched assault, full of combat and co-operative play. With up to 3 other players, Battlezone can be incredibly fun.

Personally, I am interested to find out if this iteration has quite the same depth when it comes crashing out of a VR environment. You can find out more about the game, and the upcoming Nintendo Switch version, from Rebellion’s official website.

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