Biomutant Received Patch 1.6

Biomutant Received Patch 1.6

The developers from Experiment 101 have released a new patch for action-adventure Biomutant that is available on all platforms besides Origin that will receive it as soon as possible.

Patch 1.6 fixes three major problems and weights solid 13 Gbs:

  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to switch Tribes if they were using an older save game
  • Fixed a bug where the player could get stuck during the “Solar Mirror” quest
  • “Ako’s Camp” objectives now update as expected for new save files

A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. The Tribes stand divided. Explore a world in turmoil and define its fate – will you be its saviour or lead it to an even darker destiny?

Wondering how the game plays? You can check out our review that says, “For the first time in a long time, a game has lived up (and in my opinion surpassed) the hyped that’s been created around it. Frankly, I’ll be surprised if BIOMUTANT is not game of the year.”

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